In this project that has taken years to complete, volunteers from the Delta County Genealogical Society have copied the Delta County Birth Records from 1867 to 1914 as they are recorded in the official records at the Delta County Clerk’s Office. These records include the following information: Name, Birth Date, Sex, Place of Birth, Father, Place of Birth (Father), Mother, and Place of Birth (Mother). Not all information is present in every record, and we have recorded it just as it is written in the record books. While we felt that some information was misspelled, or incorrect, we wrote what was listed in the official records. At times the writing styles and individual handwriting were very difficult to decipher, and we did our best to record the information as accurately as possible. Volunteers read, copied, typed and proof read each book.
Whenever possible, we would suggest that the actual record books be consulted when there is a question, or to obtain additional information which is not listed here. These books are available at the County Clerk’s Office.
This project would not have been possible without the cooperation of Delta County Clerk Nancy Przewrocki and her staff, or without the encouragement and hard work of Delta County Commission Chairman, Tom Elegeert. Chairpersons for the project were Naida Standing and Tom Elegeert.
Notes on the Data:
Records can be searched using any part of the name, last name will bring up all people with that name, including some names which contain the name within a larger name, e.g., “Strom” will also bring up “Wickstrom”. We recommend trying several spellings as names do change through the years; they may be misspelled, so try experimenting. If you don’t get a “hit”, try limiting the amount of information in your search. Usually only the last name is necessary, unless you are searching a very common name, e.g., “Johnson”, and trying to fill in all the blanks is not recommended. For common names add a first name or initial.
Name: Written as recorded. Names will be listed by date of birth, so some scrolling may be necessary to find the name you are seeking. Remember to check variations, e.g., “Larson, Larsen, Lawson”. There is no punctuation, so don’t use commas or periods.
Birth Date: We are allowed to record only those births that are 100 years or older.
Mother’s Name: Often, especially in the older records, this will be the married name of the mother.
Father’s Name: “Unknown” means that the name is not listed on the record.
Book-Page: Used to locate the actual record in the books at the County Clerk’s Office.