Delta County Airport is staffed by several employees, including two administrative personnel, five Operations Specialists, and a rotating group of custodial and maintenance technicians, all of whom are employed by the County of Delta.
Airport Administration Staff
The Airport Administration Office operates Mon-Fri, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., and is staffed by the Airport Manager and Airport Assistant Manager.
The Airport Manager (TBD) reports to the Delta County Administrator and is an ex officio member of the Delta County Airport Advisory Board (DCAAB). In addition to handling the day-to-day operations of the Airport, the Airport Manger fills the following roles:
- Airfield Operations Manager
- Airport Security Coordinator
- Part 139 Training Officer
- FBO (Fixed Based Operator) Manager
- Title VI & CPP (Community Participation Project) Coordinator
- Wildlife Hazard Management Program Officer
- Certified Industrial Storm Water Operator
- Secretary of the DCAAB
- County Aviation and Airport Counsel
- Human Resources Officer
- Business Development Officer
- Facilities Development Officer
- Finance Administration Officer
- Public Affairs & Marketing Officer
- Maintenance Supervisor
The current Assistant Airport Manager is TBD who, in addition to handling daily accounting tasks, fills the following roles:
- Assistant Airport Security Coordinator
- Assistant FBO Manager
- Treasurer of the DCAA Board
- Chief Accounting Officer
- Finance Administration Assistant
- Human Resources Assistant
- Assistant Maintenance Supervisor
Airfield Operations, ARFF Support, and FBO Services
Airfield maintenance and services, as well as ARFF (Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting) and FBO (Fixed Base Operator) support, are provided by five highly trained personnel who staff the airfield at differing schedules based upon operational and seasonal commitments. The staff report directly to the Airport Administration Office and are supervised by the Airport Manager.
During normal working hours, the Airport Operations staff may be contacted directly at (906) 789-5100. After-hours support must be requested through the Airport Manager.
More information regarding FBO support, including airfield and fuel services, may be found by visiting the FBO Services & General Aviation section of this website. Alternatively, FBO inquiries may be directed to the Airport Manager.