Todd Tardiff, Sheriff
Phil Griebel, Undersheriff
2800 College Avenue
Escanaba, MI 49829
Our Office serves some 36,790 citizens who reside within its 1,171.1 square mile area. The Office of the Delta County Sheriff currently employs 15 uniformed Road Patrol Deputies. The department Detective, Sergeant Mark Hanson, is in charge of criminal investigations.
An undercover narcotics investigator from the department is assigned to the Upper Peninsula Substance Enforcement Team (U.P.S.E.T.), a conglomerate of Upper Peninsula Law Enforcement agencies. Dispatching for emergencies call 911. For Non Emergency dispatching call (906) 786-5911.
The Delta County Sheriff Office business telephone number is (906) 786-3633.
Office hours: 8AM – 4PM Monday through Friday.