Edward Oswald, Sheriff
“I graduated from Bark River-Harris School in 1985 and attended Northern Michigan University from 1986 to 1990 majoring in Law Enforcement. In 1990 I was hired by the Crystal Falls Police Department. On January 5, 1991 was hired by the Delta County Sheriff Department. I worked the midnight shift, and in April 1997 was promoted to Sergeant. I continued on the midnight shift through most of my time as Sergeant. In 2003 I was appointed as Undersheriff at Delta County and worked the position until 2013. In 2014 I was appointed to the position of Delta County Sheriff.
I worked most positions within the department including, Marine, ORV, Snowmobile and Secondary Road Patrol grant position.
Phil Griebel, Undersheriff
I graduated from Gladstone High School in 1985 and from Northern Michigan University in 1991 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Law Enforcement. My first Law Enforcement job was with the Shawano County Sheriff’s Office in Wisconsin. I was hired in 1995 by the Delta County Sheriff’s Office as a Corrections Officer and I started working Road Patrol in 1996 after finishing the NMU Regional Police Academy. I held the rank of Sergeant from 2003 until 2010. I was then promoted to Lieutenant in 2010 until I was appointed Undersheriff in 2013.
We have a hardworking, professional staff at this department and I’m very proud to serve with each and everyone of them.