Michigan Tax due dates:  Each year, taxes are assessed and billed from the townships and cities of Delta County.

  • Summer taxes are assessed in July. The due date for the summer taxes is somewhere around September 15 (dependent upon what day of the week that date falls, it may be a few days earlier or later. Check your bill.).  Summer taxes are collected at the township or city through February 28 of the following year.
  • Winter taxes are assessed in December. The due date for winter taxes is somewhere around February 15 (dependent upon what day of the week that date falls, it may be a few day earlier or later. Check your bill).  Winter taxes are collected at the township or city through the February 28 of the following year.
  • Starting March 1 of the year following assessment, the tax is no longer collected by the township or city. The tax rolls must be turned over to the Delta County Treasurer’s Office.  For example, the 2022 taxes will be turned over to the county after March 1, 2023.

Early March tax payment issue: Beginning after the last day of February, townships and cities physically back up the tax rolls delivered them to the county.  There is a period of time, usually the first two weeks of March, in which the taxes are not able to be collected at the township or city, but have not yet been delivered to the county.  The townships and cities do their best to deliver these tax rolls quickly, but they must balance and ensure the tax rolls are complete before they turn them over, and this may take time, sometimes weeks.  As soon as the county receives the tax roll, they commence collections for that township or city.

If you’re a taxpayer looking to make payment in the first couple weeks of March; please call and make sure the county has received your township’s or cities’ tax roll.  Our office number is (906) 789-5117.  The county is not able to take payments until the tax roll is received.

Delinquent taxes are held at the county for the next two years.  If payment is not made on these taxes in those two years, the properties will be in danger of property tax foreclosure.  For example, the 2022 taxes would be in danger of foreclosure after March 2025. County foreclosure is different than bank foreclosure; there is no redemption period after the deadline for county foreclosure passes.  If you are in danger of county foreclosure, please call our office right away!  (906) 789-5117.  We can help, but only before the deadline passes.

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