The Delta County Airport Advisory Board (DCAAB) is an eight-member body, including a Chair, a Vice Chair, two sitting members of the Delta County Board of Commissioners, three “at-large” members, and the Airport Manager (ex officio). Members of the DCAAB are appointed by the Delta County Board of Commissioners who internally nominate and elect the Chair and Vice Chair of the DCAAB annually. Airport secretarial and treasury services are provided by the Airport Manager and Assistant Airport Manager, respectively. The current members of the DCAAB include:
- Brian Herioux, Chair
- Dee Dee Anderson-Skradski, Vice Chair
- Matthew Jensen, County Board Rep.
- Kelli van Ginhoven, County Board Rep.
- VACANT, Member at Large
- Will Carne, Member at Large
- Brad Reed, Member at Large
- TBD, Airport Manager (Ex Officio)
Board Schedule & Conduct
Regular meetings of the Delta County Airport Advisory Board are held on the second Monday of each month. Regular meetings are held at 8:30 a.m. in the Administration Office at the Delta County Airport, 3300 Airport Road, Escanaba, Michigan. Special meetings and closed sessions are announced publicly and posted conspicuously in advance of the Board convening (see below).
In addition to being governed by a self-appointed set of by-laws, the DCCAB follows parliamentarian procedure and all State regulations per Robert’s Rules of Order (current edition) as well as the Michigan Open Meetings Act (OMA), Act 267 of 1976.
Special Meetings and Closed Sessions
Special meeting and closed sessions of the DCAAB are publicly announced and conspicuously posted outside the Airport Administration Office (located in the Main Terminal, as well as several locations inside the Delta County Courthouse (located at 310 Ludington Street, Escanaba, MI, 49829).
Board Agendas and Minutes